Posts Tagged ‘programme development’

Whoopdie Do!

December 16, 2010

A few months after getting the ball rolling and following a site visit from VSO and my extension (from ending mid-March to end of September 2011) has been finalised. Happy Days.

We had a big long meeting with the Ministry of Health about VSO generally and then me and my placement specifically. I was able to say how excellent the Kunene Team are (entirely honestly) and they that they didn’t mind me hanging around too much (substantial bribes needed).

Not only was it good to get that sorted out and meet up with my wonderful VSO programme team but we also had meetings with the Regional Council/RACOC and IRDNC. It was interesting to see the “other side” of VSO – the discussions with potential partners and the process of developing programmes.

I was even asked to take part and explain the idea of volunteer assessment and selection (to go with a bit entitled “volunteer quality”). I did try to make clear that I only made it through by mistake and most vols are much more personable and skilled than me.

So I think it’s just the medical to get through and as nothing much has fallen off since I arrived let’s hope we’re good (also it’ll probably be the same doctor who passed me fit [ha!] for Fish River Canyon).

Now just to finish paying the complex series of bribes and “tributes” needed to get the Ministry team to play ball on the extension…