Archive for February, 2010

Widdling on Ice

February 15, 2010

During the past week I’ve been in Windhoek attending a national management forum with the Ministry of Health in a seriously swanky and posh hotel – the Windhoek Country Club (not staying there though sadly).

Like many ultra-posh places in the hotter parts of the world they put ice in the urinals to keep everywhere odour free and so I discovered a new sport that should be included in the winter Olympics: Ice Weeing.

The simple joy of acting as a one man global-warming god and causing the pile to weaken and then collapse is immense. In my childish mind anyway.

Kept me busy and drinking all the coffee I could lay my hands on.

I was also on the TV – apparently twice on NBC though I only saw it once and also on OneAfrica (you might like to know not for the Ice Weeing). Fame at last if not fortune (though surely that will follow).

During the week in the big city I got to meet my new VSO Program Manager who seems very nice but would actually like some reports other than into my ongoing study on the precise temperature at which Tafel lager should be drunk and… got to do some linux administration (happy happy days).

Oh and I eat Indian Food and caught up with some friends. Mmmm…. Curry.

Please note: according to the wordpress whatsit this is to be my 100th post. I had planned something deep and/or meaningful, perhaps about the ongoing Measles outbreak, how the Ministry of Health is coming along with it’s internal restructure or maybe even how development has impacted on Namibia since independence or how working in development has impacted on me.

Obviously though I didn’t and decided to post on something much much closer to my heart. So come on – let’s all put in the petitions and we could get it into the 2014 games!